Monday, December 8, 2008

Not all Muslims are terrorists, but almost all terrorists are Muslims (Part-2)

So here I am back with the second part of the topic.Those who are new to my blog I suggest to go through the first part of the topic and then read this post.

I ended the last post on the note that the non-Muslims are being poisoned and misinterpretation of Quran is being done. Now the question arises that who is responsible for these misinterpretations.The obvious answer is the Non-Muslims themselves.But we need to realise that we the muslims are also responsible to an extent.The Non-Muslims are reading Quran and misinterpreting it but I don`t see enough Muslims reading the Quran and countering the arguments these Non-Muslims are putting up.Here by Non-Muslims I don`t mean the whole non-Islamic world but a selected few individuals and organisations.Are there not enough Muslims on WWW to make a proper Islamic site to be the number one search result on google when fed queries like the one I entered.It is shameful.Isn`t it?

Now lets talk about the misiterpretation of Quran by the Muslims themselves.Enough has been said and written about it(SRK even said that there is a Islam from Allah and then there is a Islam from Mullah) and we are seeing the results of this misinterpretation.Here I`d like to quote what the character of Leonardo Decaprio said in the Movie Body of Lies to some Islamist-terrorist “You misinterpret the one book you believe in!”.


From what all I`ve said it seems that I agree with the quote above as I`ve been talking about misinterpretation of Quran and its consequence being the Islamic terrorism.Let us take a tour around the world through the major terrorist countries of the world and then we`ll realise that not all the terrorists are Muslims and that the source of all the terrorism is not misinterpretation of Quran.

Lets talk about the country with the most terrorists:Iraq.A country with 28,221,181 terrorists.Its the population of Iraq(source:Wikipedia).You must be thinking that I`ve gone insane.But I`ve not.Lets analyse this.There was a country called Iraq being ruled by a dictator (just like any other country in the region) called Saddam Hussain.He may have been a tyrant,an opressor but whatever he might have been he was the president of the country. The country was attacked by the US because our Bush junior wanted to fulfill his daddy`s desire.If we keep aside the jokes and talk only serious stuff the country was attacked because it possessed the so called WMD-weapons of mass destruction which were never found.The country was attacked and estimated 654,965 excess deaths related to the war have taken place (source : The Lancet, one of the oldest scientific medical journals in the world).What was the fault of these 654,965 people?Not only the deaths, the whole country has been carpet bombed.The homes,the universities,the historical monuments and everything else has been reduced to ashes.In India, look at the rage and anger in people when around 200 people have died in the 11/26 whereas in Iraq some 654,965 people have died.The woman of Iraq have taken refuge in neighbouring countries and they have to resort to prostitution to feed their children.Its unfortunate really unfortunate but more unfortunate is the fact that all those who have been fighting against the agressors, against the attackers of their land have been termed as the terrorists even though they should have been called the freedom fighters (one of my favourite freedom fighters in the initial phase of this freedom struggle was the shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr). Yeah you may argue that they are violent in their approach but did they have any other option?Even in our freedom struggle we had some nationalists who believed in violent approach to the freedom struggle and today we glorify them and make movies on them.I am not comparing our freedom fighters with these so called terrorists of Iraq but still............................

Your comments are always welcome as usual.In the part - 3 we`ll go through Palestine,EU,South America and some other small countries .Then I intend to finish the topic in part - 4 with visits to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Not all Muslims are terrorists, but almost all terrorists are Muslims (Part-1)

The Title of this post is a bit strange.Isn`t it? My Muslim friends will hate me for this and Non-Muslim friends will be bewildered for me choosing this title.Take my advice and read on.

9/11 changed the world.The strikes were on World Trade Centre.Repercussions were felt in Afghanistan,Pakistan and in India, in my house when I realised for the first time that my religion is being called the religion of terrorists.I was thirteen years old then and didn`t know much about world history,geography or politics.I saw the second flight crashing into the second tower live and I also witnessed both the buildings collapsing to rubbles on CNN. To me it was an spectacle.But as the days past and the 24-hours news channel started feeding the daily updates I got to know about Taliban (probably I had forgotten about the hijacking of the Indian Airlines flight 814 (VT-EDW) two years).Taliban, the muslim organisation of students ( talibs ) ruling Afghanistan and providing shelter to Osama Bin Laden the Al-Qaeda Chief and the mastermind of the 9/11. It was beyond my thinking that how can a man with so long beard with dozens of wives and scores of children and living in the caves of Tora Bora could plan anything so sophisticated.Then US attacked Afghanistan and then came daily news of fall of some Afghani city.Kandahar (another reminder of the Indian Airlines hijacking),Herat,Jalalabad,Mazar-e-Sharif,Herat,Ghazni,Kunduz and finally Kabul.

Seven years have gone by and we have had Muslim-Terrorist attacks in London, Madrid, Bali, Turkey,China and in our India not once but on dozens of occassions.We had terrorist countries like Afghanistan,Iraq,Palestine(they don`t even consider it to be a country) and Pakistan and then there were countries with Muslim-terrorist citizens like Iran,Saudi Arabia, Oman, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and many others. I was told or rather we were told that we are Islamists- the Muslim terrorists but some of them were kind enough they said no dear you are not terrorists because NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS, BUT ALMOST ALL TERRORIST ARE MUSLIMS.

Now lets analyse the reasons why are we like this.Why are we the only terrorists.Is it really written in Quran to kill all the Non-Muslims.

The Qur'an says,"For those of you who kill a person save those who do mischief is as if he has killed the whole of humanity and those of you who save a life it will be as if he has saved all humanity".
But the non-muslims seem to know the version of Quran which says to kill all the non-muslims, to kill all the infidels and to forcefully convert all the non-muslims and that is what the Taliban and Al-Qaeda intend to do. Are the non-Muslims misinterpreting Quran and thus Islam? Here I being a Muslim say that yes the Quran is being misinterpreted by both the MUSLIMS and the NON-MUSLIMS.Lets talk about the misterpretation of the Quran by the Non-Muslims.Here I am citing only one example and you can find many others almost every where.

Many critics of Islam including Arun Shourie quote Surah Al-Tawbah chapter 9 verse 5

“… Fight and slay the Mushrik/Kafir (Hindu) wherever you find them …”

(Al Qur’an 9:5)

If you read the Qur’an, this verse exists but it is quoted out of context by Arun Shourie.

The first few verses of Surah Tawbah before verse 5 speak about the peace treaty between the Muslims and Muskhriks (polytheists) of Makkah. This peace treaty was unilaterally broken by the Mushriks of Makkah. In verse no. 5 Allah (swt) gives them an ultimatum to put things straight in four months’ time, or else face a declaration of war. It is for the battlefield that Allah says “fight and slay the Mushriks (i.e. the enemies from Makkah) wherever you find them and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war”.

This verse is revealed and instructs the Muslims to fight in the battlefield and kill the enemy wherever you find them. But natural, any army general to boost up the morale of the soldiers and to encourage them will say “Don’t get scared, fight and kill the enemies, wherever you find them in the battlefield. Arun Shourie in his book ‘The World of Fatwas’ after quoting Surah Tawbah chapter 9 verse 5 jumps to verse 7. Any logical person will realize that verse 6 has the reply to his allegation.

Surah Tawbah chapter 9 verse 6 says:

“If any amongst the Mushriks (i.e. the enemies)

ask thee for asylum, grant it to him so that

he may hear the word of Allah and then

escort him to where he can be secure”.

(Al Qur’an 9:6)

Today the most merciful army general may tell his soldiers to let the enemy go, but Almighty Allah in the Qur’an says if the enemy wants peace do not just let them go but escort them to a place of security. Which army general in today’s day and age, or rather in the whole of recorded human history is ever known to have given such merciful instructions? Now will someone ask Mr. Arun Shourie why did he deliberately not quote verse 6?(Source:A lecture By Mr. Zakir Naik).

This is just a small example and you can find many others. The extent of the delibrate misinterpretation of the Quran can be understood by the fact that when I search "quotes from quran against terrorism" on goolge the initial links are and

and many others like these which are mere dedication to Quran Bashing and none of the links mentions the quote that I`ve mentioned above.I don`t criticise Non-Muslims for hating the Quran as even if they with very open mind sit on their PC and search for quotes in Quran against Terrorism they are fed with the quotes like “… Fight and slay the Mushrik/Kafir (Hindu) wherever you find them …”. They are being poisoned.

I`ll try to post the part-2 as soon as possible.I need to collect my thoughts and finish the topic as soon as possible as it can go on and on forever. Comments are always welcome.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

After the body count - Mumbai terror Attacks

26/11 The day it all started. The most horrendous terror attacks on India. It was the most co-ordinated and well planned terror attacks anywhere in the world since 9/11.It should also have far reaching consequence as the 9/11 had.It was unique in the sense 10 terrorists had taken hostage almost the whole city.There were bomb blasts , indiscriminate firing , hostage situations which lasted for than 60 hours and the casualty included ATS chief Hemant Karkare, encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar ,ACP Kamte and many other brave soldiers from Mumbai Police and NSG.Almost two hundred people died including many foreigners.We as a nation lost many businessmen, artists, journalists and many other distinguished personalities from all walk of life.

The terrorists seem to have to chosen their targets very astutely.Chatrapati Shivaji Terminal (CST) or the VT junction as it is popularly known has been acknowledged as 'World Heritage Site' by UNESCO.Then there was the Taj. It is probably one of the symbol of Bombay.It has stood there for over a hundred years.Almost every Mumbaikar associates himself with The Taj Hotel.Even I being a delhite remember one of my photographs in front of the Taj when I was two years old.The other targets being Leopold Cafe and the Nariman House clearly indicating that the terrorist specifically targetted the foreigners and were very well planned.

The terrorist attacks are going to have far reaching consequence on India and on the world.We are all witnessing some of them.The cricket T-20 Champions League has been indefinitely postponed, the last two India- England ODIs were cancelled, the tourism industry has been massively hit, there have been reshuffle in the cabinet both at the centre and state level.

All done and said.Now we need to focus on "Whats next".Are we going to learn anything from these attacks or we are going to do nothing and keep sitting waiting for next terrorist attacks so that some more Indians die and we loose some more of our brave cops as we have done in the past.

The leader of opposition Mr. L. K. Advani came out with a press conference and announced his support for the government that he is going to stand together with the government in this hour of crisis. This is the least that we expected from the main party in opposition and we got that. But unfortunately that was the last of the comforting words that came from any politician. Then so called the "leader of the future" Mr. N. Modi came out and started the dirty politics again stating that he was not satisfied with the PM`s address to the nation and considered it too weak. May be he wanted some of his hatred filled speeches from the PM on such a delicate moment. Then the Deputy CM of Maharashtra Mr. R.R. Patil came out and stated that "Itne bade shehar mein akhada haadsa ho jaata hai (in such a large city, an incident or two will occur)". Probably he was inspired by SRK`s "bade bade deshon mein chhoti chhoti batein hoti rahti hain" from DDLJ. Then our CM Mr. Vilas Rao Deshmukh toured the Taj hotel with his family and friends including his actor son Riteish and director Ram Gopal Verma. The icing on the cake was put by The spokesperson and vice-president of the main opposition party Mr. Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi. He is true nationalist and can`t stand any of the western culture. So if a group of people are demonstrating against politicians he feels thats it is part of western culture and more than that he compared the woman demonstrating with "lipstick and powder on their faces" with the separatist groups of Kashmir. Kuddos.

Do we hate politicians? I don`t know but we are probably starting to hate them.Not because they are the ones who attacked us, who killed us. Neither they are ones training these psycopaths in POK or where ever this eccentric people operate.But these are the people who have the responsibility of protecting us , protecting the society and they have failed miserably.The US suffered the most devastating terrorist attacks in human history on 9/11 and ensured that the country doesn`t suffer any other terrorist attacks and same goes with the UK which has been terror free after 7/7 the London bombings. Even if we take the superpower nature of these two countries, we are moved to shame that even Indonesia has taken the necessary actions so as to safe guard its citizens after the Bali Bombings.I can recall only of four nations which witness continuous terrorist attacks the way we do.Two of them being Iraq and Afghanistan which are at war and the third one Pakistan is a failed state and the fourth being India the second fastests growing economy of the world. huh.

Now what we need to do ?? India has been target of terror attacks for long and intensity has increased in the recent past with the bombings in Delhi,Hyderabad,Jaipur, Bangalore and North Eastern Part Of India.After every terror attacks our 24*7 media sets up some talk show where youth simmering with rage comparing India with US that how they have successfully secured their nation from terrorist attacks and we have miserably failed. Yup thats true but here we need to take into account that we can compare Hollywood with Bollywood but we can not compare India with US. US shares borders with Canada which is extremely friendly to US while the other border country Mexico is not a terrorist breeding ground the way Pakistan and Bangladesh are. Neither they have porous borders the way we have with Nepal , Bangladesh and to some extent with Pakistan.Secondly US has defense budget of $711 billions for the year 2009 and India`s defense budget stands at $ 26.5 billion for the year 2008-2009 (Source: we can never match US in their war on terror.But we don`t need that. We don`t need to start a war like the Iraq War or The Afghanistan War.We need to do certain basic things correctly.

Now as we know that our intelligence agency RAW had successfully intercepted a satellite - phone conversation between a known Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) asset and an unknown person several times and warned the government of the imminent attack.They also got to know from the intercept that the sea route will be used and the targets were also known to the RAW.Still we did nothing and let the attack happen.Also the actions of the navy and coastal guards or rather their inaction was one of the reasons for India going through this trauma. By the very first hour the seriousness of the attacks were certain when we lost three of our top cops but still it took 10 hours for NSG to reach the battle ground.Even after that it took us 60 hours to get hold of the situation.Had we done our homework after the previous attacks we would have been saved from this ordeal.

Second issue facing the nation or rather the government is how to nab the culprits, how to punish them.Here comes into scene our neighbour Pakistan.It has been ascertain that the terrorists were Pakistani citizen and had trained at Lashkar-e-Toiba`s centre in Pakistan.Now is the time when the promises made by the civillian government of Pakistan be fullfilled but they have already started showing their inability to do so.Pakistan is a strange country in the sense as a nation we don`t know who is the right person to talk. Should we talk to the sweet talking Presidant Zardari or to Chief of Army Staff Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and then there is a PM named Yousaf Raza Gillani as well in the country. We also know that terror attacks like these have been masterminded by ISI and there is parallel governement being run by Taliban style Islamists in various parts of country like the Swat valley.

Pakistan has readymade answer for everything. Pakistani government does not consider Karachi to be part of Pakistan when it comes to Dawood Ibrahim. Then Pakistan becomes the country that has been tormented by terrorism the most when we show evidence of presence of terror groups on our home land. And we can not make Pakistan the state as the culprit untill we have evidence against the ISI and with the confidence with which the Pakistani president is talking about the Non-State actors it seems as if we are not going to find any evidence against ISI.When we say the so called "Non-State" actors like L-e-T are behind the attacks then Pakistani administration replies that Pakistan itself is waging a war against these organisations.

What are the options left for us?? War ??
May be. But the non-alignment and the non-violence policy of over 60 years still stands in between.Even if we discard that the second question that comes into mind is that are we capable of affording a long term war in the times of global financial crisis as the if we start a full fledged war its going to go long as the talibs have decided to fight with the pakistani army in case we have a war.

The second option is to target the training camps of these organisations.We can specifically target the camps in Pok. But this is easier said than done as we have to make sure that there is no citizen casualty and these attacks may have adverse effect on Kashmir.

The third option that we have is diplomatic one.We stop the peace talks with pakistan,the road links,the railways,bilateral business,airspace etc.But here again only we are going to be at loss.If we remember the last time when something like this happen our airlines started loosing lots of money as there distance to Europe and Americas was increased drastically due to non-availibility of pakistani airspace.What we need to do is to put a stranglehold around Pakistan with the help of United Nations and other countries who fighting the so-called War on terror esp US. And if US declines to do so then all that talk of India-US nuclear deal and co-operation is crap.

to be continued............................